Rapper Kanye West has been spotted getting his flirt on with Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue beauty Kate Upton recently. The internet is a-buzz Tuesday morning (March 5) because video has surfaced of model Kate Upton doing a very enthusiastic Dougie dance (in a low-cut top) at a Los Angeles Clippers game from a few nights ago. And lest her name gave you pause, she is not to be confused with Caitlin Upton, who was the Miss South Carolina "such as, maps, the Iraq, such as" girl. When Kate Upton exploded onto the sexy-lady scene earlier this year, her career would become forever linked to sports. Because Upton was easily the most memorable model in the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. She managed to do the moves while laughing wildly, which is no small feat.
According to the New York Post, the Chi-town rapper attended the Victoria's Secret VIP Swim event at Club L in Los Angeles on Wednesday (March 30), where he snuck in a back door around 11:30PM to sit beside swimsuit model Kate Upton. Kate Uptown, 18, made a name for herself appearing in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue earlier this year. She's a Midwest native and has also modeled for Victoria's Secret and Beach Bunny swimwear. Here are some good pictures of her that you can enjoy,
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